
Cretaceous Warzone 2017

The Cretaceous Warzone was an extracurricular activity that I created for my students.

The Cretaceous Warzone was an extracurricular activity that I created for my students. With this project students had taken creatures from the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous and put them in combat situations. They would write stories, create dioramas, conduct presentations for their peers, students in Ghana, audiences at the Museums in Trenton, Washington D.C., and New York City. This project encouraged students to use their imaginations and helped them improve their skills in reading, writing, applied research, and public speaking.

This project appeared in numerous magazines such as Unheard Voices, Jersey Voices, Prehistoric Times, and Dig. Because this project was published so many times, many people of taken notice of my student’s work. For instance, check out this You Tube video with the below link:

A fan acknowledged the Cretaceous Warzone. I showed this to my students and they were very happy. Let the Cretaceous Warzone live on through the imaginations of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School students.

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