Central Jersey

Update : Eric LeGrand will now speak at Rutgers commencement ceremony

Rutgers officials asked Eric Legrand Saturday night to deliver the keynote speak at the commencement ceremony but less than 48 hours later, told Legrand they decided to go into another direction for “political reasons”

Eric LeGrand (Photo by Michael LeBrecht)

This story on Eric LeGrand has been updated

When the announcement was made that Condoleezza Rice would be speaking at the May 2014 Rutgers Commencement ceremony, students began to protest. After backlash on the university’s decision, Rice respectfully backed out and the search was on for a new commencement speaker.

Rutgers officials asked Eric LeGrand Saturday night to deliver the keynote speech at the commencement ceremony but less than 48 hours later, told LeGrand they decided to go in another direction for “political reasons” in a phone conversation.

Reports now have surfaced that Eric LeGrand and Tom Kegan will speak at the May 2014 Commencement Ceremony.

LeGrand had made headlines when the former football player wrote on his twitter that he will be speaking at the commencement ceremony but later stated schools officials rescinded.

About 15 hours after LeGrand’s tweet, Rutgers President Robert Barchi said it was all a misunderstanding.

“Eric LeGrand will speak at our commencement and personally receive his degree from me as a representative of the Class of 2014,” Barchi said in a statement. “It was never our intention that Eric would be the only speaker. We have resolved that miscommunication and are delighted to have him participate.”

LeGrand, who finished his degree in January, was paralyzed in a 2010 football game. He has since become an inspirational speaker and Rutgers fundraiser known for his support of the school as he works to regain movement in his body.

News Source: NJ.com

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