Asbury Park


Asbury Park Middle School students had done research on the moon landing. They showed that this was a race between Russia and the United States to put a man on the moon

Asbury Park Middle School students had done research on the moon landing. They showed that this was a race between Russia and the United States to put a man on the moon. Besides it being a race it was also a challenge. For example, one of APMS’ students, Deicie Vasquez,
stated in her report that “President Kennedy challenged the nation to put a man on the moon.”

This challenge was fulfilled by the Apollo 11 and its crew. The crew consisted of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. Neil Armstrong went on to becoming the first man to step onto the moon’s surface. The second man was Buzz Aldrin.

APMS students had concluded that this was a remarkable accomplishment not only in U.S. history but the entire world. From the time of the European explorers to space exploration, man had a strong spirit to discover new things. The students work on this project showed that the spirit of man cannot be stopped.

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